Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Girls on Trikes

I believe when I think back to our time here in Key Biscayne one of the things I will miss the most will be seeing these two little girls peddling (and in JuJu's case Fred Flinstoning) as fast as they can to the park or the community center.

This was our routine most every afternoon.

Ella Joy was always in front so she could make sure that JuJu stopped at intersections.

JuJu of course says lola (hola) or lo (hello) to every person or dog that passes us by.

Notice JuJu's water fountain sticking up from the middle of her head.

She recently started wearing hair ties.

This particular style was inspired by her Aunt Shey Shey who used to wear the same water fountain for a whole week. I can remember washing her hair and seeing dust that had collected around the tie.

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