Monday, July 22, 2013

Mount Vernon

 So happy that  David is with us

 View of the Potomac River

 Very large acorn  tree that David liked a lot. 

 Noah being the best cousin ever!

On Monday we to Mount Vernon--George Washington's home.  I tried a homemade peanut soup at the Mount Vernon Inn restaurant. It was interesting... We walked around the beautiful estate. It was a sweltering hot day so we spent a lot of time in the educational building that taught all about the life of our first president. I definitely gained an even deeper respect for the man that led our country to independence.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Off to Virginia

After 5 weeks in SC we headed to Virgina to visit the Greenaways in Culpeper, pick up David in D.C., and then were off to Virginia Beach.  We listened to the Mama Mia soundtrack the for almost 7 hours. We have all the songs memorized.  JuJu's favorite is Honey, Honey! Before getting to Glenda's we stopped at Yoder's--the Menonite store-- for some homemade goodies.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Visiting the Mountains

I took Noah and Ella Joy and we headed to Greenville to spend the night with Shelly.  While I was up there I met my dear friend Jenny Proctor in Hendersonville.  We were first time moms together when David was in Med school. We have kept in touch over the years as we both have moved and had more babies.  She is now the mother of 6 and recently published her first book The House at Rosecreek. It was so much fun to see her and catch up. We went to a delicious little café in downtown Hendersonville. OH how I love good food!
The next day Noah, Ella Joy and I went hiking at Table Rock. It was a beautiful hike and there was a refreshing waterfall at the end.  I love cold mountain water so I told the kids that whenever the opportunity arises to swim in cold mountain water they should do it.  They both took the challenge.  Noah went all the  way under. Ella Joy played under the waterfall.  It was nice to spend time with just the two of them. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Super 7!

Happy Birthday to my beautiful Ella Joy!
Seven things I love
1. Her heart-she is so aware of others feelings
2. Her generosity--she gives away her things on a regular basis
3. Her domestic skills-- she loves to cook and clean and help me found laundry
4. Her artistic ablilities--an amazing artist and creator
5. Her enthusiasm--when she is excited about something there in nothing stopping her
6. Her toothless smile, just days before her birthday she lost her other front tooth
7. Her sincerity--she is so honest in her communication

Oh how I love this sweet little toothless Wonder!!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Aunt Shirley

This summer I was finally able to meet up with my beautiful Aunt Shirley.  She is married to my Nannette's baby brother.  Since becoming more involved in family history, I have been in touch with Aunt Shirley who has been busy doing our family history for the last 17 years.  I am in awe of her hard work and devotion to such a tedious task.  She has found over 50,000 relatives on ancestry.  It was a privilege to finally meet this beautiful lady. It was quite an emotional visit for me because her husband Dennis resembles Nannette so much.  The bond within families really is powerful.  I am grateful to have such a wonderful family!