We are so grateful to the Gee Family for hosting such a fun day with delicious food, Rock Band, potatoe guns, movies, and more. Unfortunately, I never thought to get everyone together for a group picture so these are just a few of the happenings from the night. Izzy and Ella Joy were hanging out with the wigs on, so Cianne and I followed after them. The dads had a great time on Rock Band and Ella Joy was very into singing. It was hard to get the mic from her. We capped off the night watching Iron Man while the kids played/slept upstairs. Thanks Rachel and Chris for a very memorable Thanksgiving!
Ella Joy participated in her first Primary Program at Church on Sunday. We had practice on Saturday night. I told her what her line was and she practiced it over and over again into the microphone while David was practicing the songs. Typically, a teacher will whisper in young children's ear what to say but Ella Joy had her part down and so she eloquently yelled into the microphone, "I am a child of God and he has a plan for me." Noah also had a part that he read very well. It was fun working with all the children. They sang songs in Spanish and English and did a beautiful job.
My friends from the Spanish branch at Church threw a shower for me. It was a lot of fun with lots of food, games, and cute baby clothes. I was so grateful to get some new girl clothes. I thought I was set but realized that all my itty bitty clothes were for the summer. I received lots of cute and warm outfits for Baby Julia to wear this winter.
What my kids do for fun. I don't even know why we have toys. Their favorite after bath activity is to put fleece socks on their hands and feet and kung fu fight in the living room. Noah is very good at reacting to Ella Joy's ferocious punch. Afterwards there is snuggle time on the sofa.