Monday, July 20, 2009

Julia Crawls

Julia started crawling. She must have heard that Stillwell her 5 month old cousin was climbing stairs so she thought she better get a move on it. It has been really cute to see how excited she gets to be able to move around a room. Her face just lights up when she finally arrives at her destination. I think Noah is just as surprised as she is. He gets so excited when he puts her down in one place and then within 30 seconds she is across the room. "Its like Jack Jack from the Incredibles. She keeps popping up in different places." She doesn't have the most efficient crawl. She moves one leg forward and then kind of drags the other leg behind. However, it gets the job done and now we have to start hiding all the cords and cables from her.


Deena said...

She is such a cutie pie.

I can't believe Stillwell is doing stairs. That's crazy.

Alice said...

OH my goodness, she is SO CUTE! I can't believe she'll be a year when we see her at Christmas. Keep posting photos of that cute little one:)

Anonymous said...

I want her to stay small :) Now its time for another one Jenny!! I am so happy that you love your new home!!! Love Shannon

merathon said...

so cute! i love when they start crawling! her 5 month old cousin is going up stairs? wow. mine just turned a year and just barely started trying that, thankfully! i bet his mom has her hands full!

rachel said...

I can't believe she is crawling. That is so great for you. You are home free is how I always think of it.

Lauren Swan said...

Yea for Julia!!!