Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy Birthday David! 33

For David's 33rd Birthday we had salmon for dinner with Cookies and Cream icecream cones for dessert. We sang and made a list of 33 things that we love about him. Noah and I had a great time doing that together. Noah asked, "what is the word for Daddy like when he wanted to connect the Wii to the internet and you told him that it wasn't going to work but he kept doing it anyways?" We decided on determined, gives 100%.

33 things we love about You
1. Active
2. Smart
3. Handsome
4. Funny
5. Calm
6. Kind
7. Thoughtful
8. Rollerblade lover
9. Swimmer
11.Piano player
13.Gives 100%
15. Massager
16.Piggy back expert
17.Scripture reader
18.Baseball player
19.Problem solver
20. $ maker
21.Food lover
22.Good kisser
23.Good hugger
24.Football watcher
27.Good tickler
28.Church going
29.Temple attending
30.Returned missionary
32.Eyeball lover
33.Daddy and Husband

You are the best! We love you! Jenny, Noah, Ella Joy, and Julia


Lauren Swan said...

Happy Birthday Eyeball Lover!!

Chris said...

I hope you know that 33 is a number with "special" significance. This is your "special" year.