Ella Joy recently began attending Joy School. She was so excited to get to go to school like Bubby. She packed her purple Dora backpack a week before school started and everyday she would ask, "I going to Joy School today?" I'm quite certain she thinks the school is named after her. The night before she picked out her outfit (thanks Alice) and told me that she wanted to wear her hair in pigtails with bows (thanks Shelly). Glad she knows what she wants and isn't so indecisive like me. She goes on Monday and Wednesday from 9-12 and is having a great time. It is at my friend Amber's apartment. We cross the bridge and I drop her off at the "big white mountain" (a highrise) and then she goes "up and up and up until number 5." She loves riding the elevator and getting to push the buttons that make it go. I am so grateful Amber decided to organize a little school. Ella Joy is having so much fun and I am enjoying a little bit time not answering Ella Joy's favorite question"but why?" Here she is with her new friend Charlie (Amber's daughter)who is a perfect match for her since she has an older brother as well. Most of the time they get along great dressing up, playing dolls, coloring however if a fight breaks out its anyone's guess who might win. Ella Joy has an ear piercing scream that can send even the toughest running but Charlie has more brute strength and can overpower Ella Joy's mere 24 pounds. They are cute and 100% girl!
love the Pony tails,her hair has finally really grown in. Miss you guys.
you mean the school ISN'T named after her?? :)
HOoray, she's wearing the cute outfit from Switzerland. I love it!
Yay for pigtails with bows! Yay for getting some alone time with the youngest a couple of days a week!
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