In May General Conference, Elder M.Russell Ballard shared some thoughts about mothers and this one comment really touched me. He said, "Recognize that the joy of motherhood comes in moments. There will be hard times and frustrating times. But amid the challenges, there are shining moments of joy and satisfaction." This thought rang true to me this past week.
After a weekend of fever and David on call, I felt like I started the week in a hole. Then Noah came home from school Monday sick. So Tuesday we went to the Dr. and he had a positive strep test, then I went to my new all time favorite Dr. at the local CVS (thanks Becky) to get a strep test and it was positive. That night Julia had a fever. So Wednesday everyone was home sick. On Monday I had felt like I wanted a break, and by Wednesday I really needed one. Saying all this I wanted to escape for just a little while. It was a beautiful day so I decided that despite our illnesses we would take a walk.
Thank goodness for the great outdoors that invite those moments. As we were walking out of the garage Ella Joy noticed our red CPI security "stop" sign on the floor of our gargage. She ran over to it and said, "Octagon, broken mommy?" Did you just say octagon. I never taught you that. Where would she have learned that. I was in awe that she recognized the shape and just as equally glad that I was THERE to hear her and see her discover and recognize this shape for the first time. We walked through the neigborhood identiying all the octagons that we could find.
To add to the sudden gratitude that I was feeling that I was a stay-at-home mom, during our walk Noah randomly exclaimed, "Don't you just love this fresh air, Mom. At school I have to breathe the same air for 6 hours and everyone else is breathing it too. I just love this fresh air." I had to agree. Once again I was glad to be THERE as Noah expressed his joy for fresh air. As we walked home I was grateful for the fresh air and grateful for Two moments in motherhood that I wouldn't miss for anything else in the world.
Note: Later that night, after relaying our day to daddyo, David informed me that Jack Black and Elmo had taught Ella Joy about octagons. Thanks Jack!