At the Temple doors

I have really been wanting to visit Grandma Jacobs the last couple of years but we were always so far. Now that we are in North Dakota it seems like a hop, skip and a jump to Utah (really 1000 miles, but who is counting). After they extended summer vacation for 2 weeks because of the flood, I was ready for a "break" and decided we would hop in the van and drive to see Grandma. David took off work, I packed the van with clothes, food, and entertainment and a way we went. On the way we took 2 days, stopping half way in Bozeman, Montana to stay with friends. On the way home we were ambitious or maybe just desperate to end the misery of being in the car with #3 so we drove straight for 17 hours. I will just say that we made it and everyone is alive and that is what counts, right?
Highlights from our trip:
Visiting grandma and her cute little duck pond
Touring BYU, visiting the Bean Museum--EJ cried the whole time because she felt sad for all the dead animals, buying BYU parafernalia--EJ and JuJu found the tackiest hats in the store
Visiting friends from David's mission
Visiting the places we lived when we were first married
Park City--went down the Alpine slide and coaster, the coaster is so much fun! Imagine a one cart rollercoaster on tracks, super fun!!
Lunch with Maria at a delicious little cafe across from the temple--I am still thinking of that
salmon burger and the ginger carrot soup, so delicious.
Visiting the Cope's little farm and eating amazing Indian food!
Finally seeing the last Harry Potter movie.
It was a great trip. A lot of work, but worth it.