The quality of our pictures has been poor since April because they are all taken on my phone.
My camera was left in the realtor's car when we came up to look for homes in April.
She said she would hold onto it until we arrived.
Well, the building she worked in was evacuated and evidently the camera is in the secretary's desk which is in some storage unit. There is a huge dike around their building still so I don't expect to get it back any time soon.
Also, those big spaces between texts and photos started a few months ago. I have tried to work with the layout and format but can't seem to fix it. Sorry it is kind of obnoxious looking. I will continue to work on this problem.
Good news!
We have a Kitchen Table, which we haven't had in 2 years.
In Miami there wasn't enough room for a table, we just had barstools for the kids so David and I have been standing or sofa eating for 2 years, Imagine the Joy when this Beauty showed up. Loving the table and the stools. The living room is still empty and probably will be for awhile. Right now it makes for a great wrestling arena, tickling pad, and gymnastics mat. Ella Joy almost has her cartwheel. Por fin! I was beginning to worry since I spent most of my childhood doing carthwheels, handstands, and flips.
Summer was extended for 3 weeks due to the flood-- now school doesn't start til September 6. So the kids have been helping me around the house. They actually were fighting over who got to scrub the toilets, we had to take turns. Sure hope this enthusiasm continues. With the extra summer time we decided to take a trip to Utah to visit Grandma Jacobs. I am very excited about this trip, not so much the 1000 mile drive one way, but getting to see Grandma, BYU, family, friends, and mountains.
Hoping you are enjoying these last days of summer.
The weather here has been beautiful here.
I just hope its not cold when we get back next week.
Think the fall may only last for a couple of weeks and I don't want to miss it.
your new house looks great and i'm loving those little helpers of yours!
do you use a mac or a PC to blog? if you use a PC, i might have a tip for you that could help your blogging!
The house and new kitchen table look great! Your toilets must be a lot cleaning than mine or JuJu would have on rubber gloves and a mask! LOL. Good to see the kids making the best of their summer ;)
We have a kitchen table but rarely eat at it, we're mostly just standing around stuffing our faces while getting the kids to eat in between.
Lovely table, awesome kitchen!
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