Thursday night at bedtime Noah was desperate to finish organizing his 200 Pokemon cards. I told him it was too late and that he could do it tomorrow. "I just don't like not finishing things." I know the feeling I thought to myself.
Friday morning I asked Noah to watch Ella Joy while I jumped in the shower. Noah was eating a bowl of cereal at the kitchen table and Ella Joy was eating raisins off the seat of the chair. I thought I would return from my 5 minute shower to find them in the kitchen still eating but instead... Noah had responsibily placed Ella Joy in the playpen with her nite nite and dollies, turned on some music "to make her happy" and was anxiously engaged in organizing his Pokemon cards.
I was so impressed at Noah's rapid problem solving skills.
Situation: I want to organize Pokemon cards.
Problem: I need to watch Ella Joy. She will mess up my cards
Solution: Playpen, things to keep her happy, music
I stood at the door quietly proud.
What a good brother.
How adorable. I hope he stays that good and responsible. Most men I know can't multi-task at all!
He learned from the best-you!
Can you bring him over to work his wonders on Smith and Oa?
That's awesome. I don't know how my kids are going to live up to being so good like yours.
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